Thursday, November 5, 2009

Creative Pursuit

List 10 Simple Pleasures and Describe One in Detail.

1 ) The scent of Christmas

2) The sound of rain

3) The smell of my mom

4) The feeling of driving fast

5) First snowfall of the year

6) First hot day of the year

7) Christmas eve

8) The proud smile from a parent

9) succeeding your goal

10) Taking a risk

I'm choosing to describe number 1 the scent of Christmas. When it hits December my mom starts to take out all of our Christmas and begins to get into the spirit of the holidays. The scent of Christmas in my home is a mixture of cinnamon , pine tree and happiness. I find that my household has a very positive atmosphere around the holidays. I'm not sure what it is but it always brings out the best in people. I always know its December 1st when my mom makes her gingerbread cookies. Its tradition in our household. I'm pretty sure that its her goal to make the house smell that good every day until the new year. I love the scent of the pine tree we always get . My parents refuse to get a fake tree they say that 'if its a fake tree it mine as well be a fake Christmas too'. In my house the smell of Christmas is my favourite part of the year.

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