Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top Three Places I've Been

Ive been to quite a few places in my short sixteen years of life but if i had to choose my top three personal choices I'd have to go with Grand Cayman , Whiterock and Florida. I choose each of these places for a variety of reasons such as scenery , atmosphere and how much fun I had.

I went to Grand Cayman last March break. It most definitely has been the most beautiful place i have ever been. The white sand and bright turquoise Caribbean water is breath taking. I am a summer fan for sure and being there felt like the best kind of summer in the world.

My second choice is pretty close to home surprisingly I chose Whiterock B.C for a few specific reasons. My grandparents live there and they are my favourites of the family . They are super free spirited and layed back my grandpa owns a restaurant right across from the best part of Whiterock , the pier. I love my grandpas restaurant its very 'Mexico like' and he always lets me help out when I'm there. Now for my favourite part the pier in Whiterock is amazing Its probably the only place that I feel at a complete calm. Something about how peaceful it is at night or early in the morning just watching the tide come in and go out is very relaxing.

Lastly , I chose Florida probably because its the most fun place I've been . Florida just has this party all day atmosphere and i love it. I understand why they call it the sunshine state for sure everyone seems really happy and its always the most beautiful weather. Not to mention the shopping there is fantastic! There is tons of outlets and so many things to see. My family had so much fun when we went there last March break i cant wait to go back this year.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

If I could have any super power...

If I had the opportunity to have any super power it would be to have the ability to read minds. I choose this power because than i would know what everyone was thinking at all times. I could know if a friend were a true friend or actually a foe or if my parents truly trusted me.Maybe I could pursue a career in criminology and help understand the mind of a criminal and help solve cases. For fun I would go on a game show because i would know all the answers due to my psychic abilities. Yes mind reading would definatley be the super power for me.